Again a structured method with graded exercises that focus on building specific skills one at a time. Again with the premise that you start with something you can already do, build on it so that you can do more and you just keep going. While you can play slide on a fretted guitar you'll get that from the slide course so here it's all about navigating your fretboard accurately and efficiently, learning to play single notes, double stops and chords efficiently so that you're equipped to play interesting and challenging music. You'll learn the basics of using a flatpick and progress all the way to pattern picking and crosspicking and again be left with a solid skill set that will always serve you well.
Beginner to intermediate players

With this one you again start right at the beginning and build your skills one at a time in a graded, methodical manner. It's again about developing and consolidating fine motor skills so that that initial awkwardness you feel when you pick up the guitar is gone. It needs to be like driving a car or riding a bike, you learn the skills so that you can operate your guitar properly and then you can be creative and have some fun. All of these things happen within the course and you'll be equipped for all of the other cool resources here when you're done.
Picking and Fretting

Again this course is about developing fine motor skills. Switching between chords and running your fingers up and down the fretboard aren't movements that are natural to us, they need to be developed and practiced. Here you'll start by fretting with just one finger, then two, three and then all four. You'll learn to grab very simple chords before expanding your repertoire. Likewise with the flatpick you'll learn to pick up and down in time before moving on to more advanced skills and all the way you'll be learning songs and exercises that reinforce each other.

The songs are selected to give you a varied repertoire and to help build the skills presented in each lesson. They include Spoonful, Rave On, Bad Bad Leroy Brown, Up On Cripple Creek, River Runs Deep, Will The Circle Be Unbroken, Heartbreak Hotel, Wish You Were Here, Wade in the Water, Little Red Rooster, Guitar Boogie and Norwegian Wood.. All songs include video lessons and fully notated TAB.
Still interested?

For a detailed, lesson by lesson overview of all the course content check out the Course Outline.