Apart from the mountain of material in the members area at LearnCigarBoxGuitar.com, I've been gradually building a stack of free stuff too. Check it out.
Ten Iconic Blues Riffs

Ten Iconic Blues Riffs for 3 string guitar including TAB and video.
More Free Stuff
Theory Course

Specifically for cigar box guitar players this course will get you started on understanding music theory so that it's actually helpful. It's referenced throughout the rest of the site and will be useful for anyone interested in making music, but particularly crucial when you get to the more advanced courses and workshops.
The Chord Finder

Just for 3 stringers, use the filters to find just about any chord you can think of.
Chords for 4 stringers

With all the extra options that extra string gives you you need a bit more information than sa simple chord chart, although there's one of those too.
For New Players

A short Workshop for new players explaining the basics of the guitar and how to play it. A must have for brand new players.