Videos are great but sometimes you just need stuff written down, you can go at your own pace, the information is clear and its more portable. Like the workshops, the eBooks cover specific topics, my free chord book for 3 string guitars has been extremely popular and future eBooks, some free, some for Members only, will likewise cover specific topics and be equally as concise and usable.

Subjects that lend themselves well to eBooks include written solos and technical exercises, theoretical concepts, chord charts and songbooks. Some will accompany the workshops or the larger courses and others will do things that only the passage of time will reveal.
Something for everyone

Being relatively light weight they can cover a lot of material and so there'll be some suitable for beginners and others for more advanced players. You'll always be able to find something that's suitable and there'll always be something waiting for you as your skills inevitably improve.
So far

With the very recent site upgrade the list of ebooks is about to explode. For now there are the 2 freebies below as well as Blues for RJ, a series of 5 solo studies in the style of Robert Johnson, the Christmas Album with EZ and advanced arrangements of 11 traditional Christmas songs and Exercises for Left and Right Hand the most comprehensive technique study for 3 string guitar ever assembled.

As always there are opportunities for discussions around the topics in the ebooks. The forums have a dedicated space for ebooks and with each one I'll open a new thread just for that purpose.