I've not played before, is this for me?

The Starter Pack is suitable for first time players and those who may have played a little before but without any formal training. All learning starts by building on what you can already do and The Starter Pack does the same. You'll take movements that you already know and apply them to your instrument, modify these movements and slowly build a solid set of skills.

I have a little played before, I hope it's not too basic

Even if you've played before you'll benefit from a fresh look at the essential skills. You'll also build a set of technique exercises that you can use as warm ups and to improve your playing, we all need that.
While The Starter Pack is suitable for beginners it progresses to a level you'd expect from a seasoned player. Have a close look at the course outline for a lesson by lesson description of each course.

How long will it take?
You progress through the course at your own rate so it'll be different for everyone. I'd expect a quick learner to get through the Starter Pack in around 6 months. It doesn't end there though, over your first couple of years you'll continue to reinforce the skills you learned in the course and refer to the course materials to help your ongoing learning.

Who is the course aimed at?
The course is aimed at people who want to learn to play. There are a number of options now if you're looking to learn this instrument and I find that the most successful learners on this site are those prepared to take a little time, have some fun on the way and enjoy the journey more than focus on the destination. If you're attracted to those 'play guitar in 5 minutes' ads then you'll probably want to look elsewhere.

Do I need to learn any theory?
The short answer is no you don't need to but you can if you want to. It's presented in a way that's relevant to your playing but you can still play all the songs and do all of the exercises without it. Likewise all of the tab is also presented in standard notation for those interested but you can get by without it.

What is your background? Why should you be the one to teach me?

I've played guitar for over 40 years, taught for 30 of those. I have degrees in music, in education and in health science. I've had careers in education, in IT and in allied health where I specialised in applied biomechanics for musicians. I know what I'm talking about. And at the end of the day this is important only because the course reflects my skills and expertise and the training that you'll get here comes from all of this. It's the course that matters, that's what you're investing in.

Any examination of the course outlines and course descriptions will demonstrate that this is far and away the best alternative currently available for learning to play the cigar box guitar. By a long way.