Just completed the Starter Pack over the last two months. I came in with some prior basic abilities strumming ukulele and guitar and could strum and finger slide through a 12 bar blues on these instruments. My goal was to develope some abilities on a fretless 3 stringer cbg that revolved around finger picking and strumming the thing. I am 59 years of age and play with my fingers only, no pick.
Now, two months later how do I feel? Absolutely stoked! I now can thumb and finger pick and strum with greater dexterity, moving between strum and fingers at will. I have increased understanding of and abilities around syncopation, can mute with both my right hand (heel or via a muted strum) and left hand. I can play swing and shuffle beats and grooves, and have significantllt improved my use of the minor penatonic scale, that is, my movement between the fret dot marker positions. Of most significance to me was my learning to play 3 feels up at the twelfth fret in the Dust MyBroom lesson. Man, guys who did that always seemed to possess magic and voodoo power and I never thought that I might one day also be up there high on the neck going for it. I now too, possess some of that black magic, and I expect things to get even better as I progress through the Blues Pack. Will let you know. FUN, FUN, FUN! Geoff.