B6 11th position
No tonic in this one but if you need a B major this far up then why not give it a shot.
No tonic in this one but if you need a B major this far up then why not give it a shot.
First position because the first finger is at the first fret but tou should think of it as based on the 4th fret B where your little finger is.
Just in case you're up this way lookinjg for a Bm6
The classic barre chord across all 3 strings. Doesn't have the 3 so can be used for major or minor but isn't really either.
Called an open position chord because of the 2nd string open D, this one won't work as a moveable shape but ticks all the boxes back here
All of the chords this far up the neck will work better on some guitars than others. This is a good voicing though.
A bit of a squeeze this far up the neck but some guitars will manage it just fine.
This far up the neck you're only option for a B major, take it down to the 10th if you need a Bb.