E7 7th position
It may be useful if you're up this way but without the 3 there's no tritone and so the flavour of the chord suffers
It may be useful if you're up this way but without the 3 there's no tritone and so the flavour of the chord suffers
Add a little flavour to the E major by adding the 6 note
A great voicing with a unique sound, give it a try
In the 6th position because that's where the first finger is, think of it more based around the tonic on the 9th fret
The barre chord on the 9th fret is an E, neither major or minor without the third but you can use it for either, just don't expect it to sound major or minor.
The minor chord without the tonic leaves the important 3 hanging oput to dry a little and so may not sound like you expect it to. It's a good shape to grab though and could still be your best option in this position.
Up in the 9th position this chord is easy to grab and outlines the chord very well.
The minor 6th chord has a great sound but doesn't work for every song. You choose.
The root on the top, this a good sounding voicing and an easy moveable shape to grab.
The root in the bass and the tritone on top this is a good one.