G major 7 open position
Easy enough to play in the open position but you can't move it without a stretch. Sounds good though.
Easy enough to play in the open position but you can't move it without a stretch. Sounds good though.
An important voicing with all three notes and the root in the bass.
No 3 in this one so it's quality is ambiguous but it's a handy moveable shape, based on the open D with the 5 in the bass.
The 5 in the bass works with this voicing too because the 3 and 7 on top define the chord really well. A useful moveable shape.
A useful voicing with the tritone on the top and the 5 in the bass works well in a blues and is a handy moveable shape.
Based on the D major shape in the 2nd position this one has the 3 but without the tonic to hang off can sound a little odd, it's a handy shape though and moves around well so try it for yourself.
Again based on the open D shape this one has no third but is an easy shape to grab and moves around the neck well. Just be aware that it may not sound exactly like you want it to without the thrid note.