G barre chord
Don't forget the open chord
Don't forget the open chord
No 3 in this one so it's neither major or minor but if you need a C chord way up here what else are you going to do?
The barre chord way up on the 10th fret is an F
The barre chord on the 9th fret is an E, neither major or minor without the third but you can use it for either, just don't expect it to sound major or minor.
The barre chord on the 7th fret is a D and can be used for a major or minor because without the 3rd note it is neither.
The barre chord on the 5th position is a C, again no yellow dot.
The classic barre chord across all 3 strings. Doesn't have the 3 so can be used for major or minor but isn't really either.
Another popular voicing because the D is so important in the ksy of G and it's an easy one to grab. It can be played for a major or minor chord because it's neither without the 3.
BAsed on the D major from the open position this one has no 3 so it's quality is ambiguous but if you're this far up the neck and need a B chord it's about your only option. It can be usaed for a major or a minor.
No 3 in this one so it's quality is ambiguous but it's a handy moveable shape, based on the open D with the 5 in the bass.