chas's blog

Day 7 p.s.

The wild strumming is just rough and loud and fun. What I want to do is master this instrument, to get precision and accuracy in timing and intonation. I don't expect to get through any more lessons so quickly. I think over the next few days I had better keep doing the early exercises to get them deep into my muscle memory.


Lesson one and 2 assessment tasks completed. Lesson 3 task 1 going well. Lots of chord strumming. Playing through a Vox DA5 mostly set to a very little reverb and the Blues1 modelled amp - with sometimes flanger and reverb or something for a bit of stuff like Wild Thing. I seem to have become somewhat obsessed. I feel like Mr Toad after his first sight of a motor car "Hang piano - stuff your harmonica - 3 string CBG is the only instrument worth playing!"

day 6

Built my guitar at Tunbridge Wells workshop then spentabout two hours this evening strumming it. Love it! Leson 1 tomorrow

Day 2

Dowloaded all course overview and module overview stuff and lesson 1 and watched the videos. Do some timekeeping exercises on day 3 is the plan.

At the start

I'll be building my CBG at a Chickenbone John workshop in 5 days time. It is my intention to start getting to grips with the course - download & print stuff etc- every day in the interim. It is only by a determined effort that I shall get where I want to with this instrument. Hopefully making my level of commitment to practice public (in an anonymous sort of way) through this blog will be a spur to maintaining that effort!

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