
- Beginner courses -

3 string slide

Perfect for beginners. Learn the Dark Arts of slide and fingerpicking on your 3 string cigr box guitar tuned to GDG.

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3 string fretted

This course gives all the tools to navigate your 3 string fretted guitar. The focus is on solid technique with your fretting hand and your pick.

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4 string fretted

The focus here is on using your pick and developing your left hand by learning the expanded 4 string fretboard. It'll also set you up for the 4 string workshops later on.

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- Intermediate and advanced players -

3 string slide blues

An advanced course in playing the blues, mainly for slide players but everyone will get something out of it. Not for beginners.

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Advanced Improvisation

An exhaustive resource still under development. By all means have a look but you'll need a solid technique so do the beginners course first.

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Advanced Skills

When you've done the beginners course and want to bring your skills to the next level.

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