Lesson 2

Before you start

You should be able to pick down evenly and in time well enough to play Spoonful at a reasonable tempo on the bottom string as per the previous lesson.


Here are your notes


By the end of this lesson you'll have

  • reinforced your hand position
  • learned how to pick up and down in time
  • learned how to use the timing exercise

Here you're reviewing your hand position and picking technique while learning to pick up as well as down. You're also learning the importance of picking down and up in time by using the timing exercise. The notes are here.

Download the video here.

Here you'll extend on the previous lesson by learning to fret 2 strings. In order to make the movement as smooth as possible you need your hand to be still while your fingers move independently. This will require your hand to be in the right position. The notes are here.

Download the video here.

This song will extend both your left and right hand skills The tab is here.

Download the video here.

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