
Lesson one and 2 assessment tasks completed. Lesson 3 task 1 going well. Lots of chord strumming. Playing through a Vox DA5 mostly set to a very little reverb and the Blues1 modelled amp - with sometimes flanger and reverb or something for a bit of stuff like Wild Thing. I seem to have become somewhat obsessed. I feel like Mr Toad after his first sight of a motor car "Hang piano - stuff your harmonica - 3 string CBG is the only instrument worth playing!"

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Some people find these early lessons very easy, that's good. Make sure that you've got these movements absolutely nailed before you move on though. You should be able to play each one flawlessly and in time for at least a minute. It gets harder pretty soon and taking your time here will be beneficial down the track.

Great to see your keen though.